Vitamins to increase the strength of men

The conditions of modern life are such that they cause significant stress to the nervous system and are associated with a large number of stressful situations and adverse environmental factors. The combination of such constant influences negatively affects the strength of men, especially after 35 years. Therefore, in order to avoid the appearance of all kinds of problems related to sexual activity, the question becomes relevant which vitamins can be useful for increasing the strength of men.

Vitamin capsules for activity

Regular consumption of foods rich in vitamin A or the use of vitamin preparations containing beta-carotene leads to an increase in sexual desire and helps maintain male potency.

B-complex vitamins, especially B1, help prevent overwork, reduce irritability, help normalize sleep and are also beneficial for brain activity.

Vitamin B3 is involved in regulating blood circulation processes and increases muscle tone. It is essential for the normal functioning of the central nervous system and participates in the synthesis of serotonin, also known as the "happiness hormone".

Vitamin B9, also called folic acid, provides increased efficiency and improved overall body condition. Another action of B9 is to enhance erectile function.

Vitamin C is especially important for men's health because it plays a role in the production of dopamine, a hormone that determines sexual desire and orgasm. It is also important to increase capillary permeability, which is important for an erection.

Vitamin D is a prohormonal substance that positively affects the level of testosterone, the main male hormone. Based on this, vitamin D is very important for strength.

Vitamins to increase men's strength suggest improving men's health and ensuring a normal erection. The importance of vitamin E in this context seems almost exceptional. Helps normalize the functions of the pituitary gland and other endocrine glands. The pituitary gland in the male body, in turn, is responsible for the production of sex hormones and ensures the normal development of sperm.

Indications for the use of vitamins to increase the strength of men

Indications for the use of vitamins to increase male potency may occur due to difficulties in achieving a normal erection. Especially if at some point in life it started to have a normal character.

The indicators of a man's sexual ability and health are often determined by a combination of several negative factors. These include the lifestyle of a man, his bad habits, diet, genetics, hereditary predisposition to certain diseases and adverse environmental conditions, as well as various stressful situations and a busy lifestyle in the modern world.

Male strength and power largely depends on whether the body has an adequate complete list of substances, trace elements and vitamins that are necessary for the healthy functioning of all its organs and systems. Including the male reproductive system.

Since most of the vitamins enter the body along with the food taken, if there are problems with strength, it is recommended, first of all, to analyze all the aspects related to nutrition and the balance of the diet. In addition, it would also be helpful to test for the content and concentration of male hormones in the body. Based on the results of the research, evidence of the use of vitamins to increase male potency can be substantiated.

Issue form

The form of release of vitamins to increase the strength of men can be different, which is determined by the type of vitamin preparation and how it is used.

Thus vitamin A, or retinol, of synthetic origin is presented as retinol acetate and retinol palmitate.

Vitamin A in the form of retinol acetate capsules is available in a concentration of 3300, 5000, 33000 IU, respectively.

Retinol acetate and retinol palmitate are also available in 33, 000 IU tablets.

The retinol acetate solution for injection is available in ampoules of 25, 000, 50, 000 and 100, 000 IU per 1 ml.

Another form of vitamin A production is a sugar coin containing retinol acetate and retinol palmitate, 3300 IU each.

Vitamin A is also available in an oily cod extract known as "cod liver oil" in 50 ml and 100 ml bottles.

The most common form of vitamin C release is a candy called ascorbic acid. They are sugared almonds - 50 mg each, coated with a thin layer of sugar. 200 units of such frames are contained in a polymer bottle or made of tinted glass.

Vitamin C can be contained in 0. 025 g tablets in the form of ascorbic acid with sugar in an amount of 10 pieces per pack.

In addition, vitamin C formulations are available in the form of capsules and soft gels, injections and powders.

Preparations containing vitamin E are presented as sweet-tasting lozenges for oral administration. There is also such a form of vitamin E release as gelatin-coated capsules. A solution of olive oil or peach is used for injections.

Pharmacodynamics of vitamins for increasing male potency

The pharmacodynamics of vitamins for increasing the potency of men in relation to the use of preparations containing vitamin A is mainly characterized by the fact that it activates phagocytosis and stimulates the production of antibodies. This, in turn, helps to strengthen the body's defenses against the development of infectious processes, the presence of which can have a detrimental effect on the male reproductive system and, if present in a chronic form, lead to a weakening of power. Vitamin A is also actively involved in the energy supply of metabolic processes and hormonal metabolism.

B vitamins provide better conduction of nerve impulses to the synapses, play an important role in the work of the central and peripheral nervous system, including the normal innervation of the male genitals. The importance of this for strength is important, because the reduction of the sensitivity and sharpness of the sexual senses can be one of the reasons for the deterioration and persistence of an erection.

Vitamin C, in addition to having a significant remedial effect on the body, is involved in the production of the hormone that is responsible for sexual desire in men - dopamine. It also has a beneficial effect on capillary permeability, which is an important factor for erection.

The pharmacodynamics of vitamins for increasing male potency, in terms of vitamin D, is manifested in the fact that it participates in the regulation of testosterone levels, which largely determines potency.

Vitamin E is actively involved in the processes of hormonal regulation in the body, and also contributes to the strengthening and better permeability of capillaries.

The pharmacodynamics of vitamin E are expressed by providing antioxidant activity in the body. It also provides protection against damage to cell and subcellular membranes. Vitamin E actively participates in the processes of metabolism in tissues, helps prevent hemolysis of red blood cells, strengthens capillaries and improves their permeability.

Pharmacokinetics of vitamins to increase male potency

The pharmacokinetics of vitamins to increase the potency of men in relation to vitamin A are characterized by the fact that after its esterification in the intestinal villi, it penetrates the liver through the pathways of lymph flow. Further from the liver through the circulatory system, it spreads throughout the body. Vitamin A is mainly deposited in the liver and somewhat less in the heart. Excretion from the body occurs through bile and along with urine.

B vitamins differ in their pharmacokinetics, which is characterized by their active absorption in the small intestine and duodenum of the gastrointestinal tract. Once metabolized in the liver, the vitamin is transported evenly to tissues and organs. The main route of excretion from the body is the release of B vitamins in urine and bile.

Vitamin C, due to its absorption in the gastrointestinal tract, appears in the blood plasma and accumulates in the glandular tissues, as well as in the adrenal glands. Perhaps the phenomenon of metabolism as a result of which oxalic acid and soluble metabolites are formed. The vitamin continues to accumulate in the body until the saturation becomes more than 1500 mg. After that, it leaves the body in the urine.

Vitamin D is characterized by the following pharmacokinetic vitamins to increase male potency. As it is absorbed into the proximal small intestine and enters the bloodstream, it binds to γ-globin and albumin. This vitamin tends to be deposited in adipose tissue and undergoes biological transformations mainly in the liver, kidneys and skin. Excretion from the body occurs with the contents of the intestine and in the composition of bile.

The pharmacokinetics of vitamin E are characterized by a low rate of absorption. As a result of its presence in the lymph, the vitamin penetrates into the blood. Shows a tendency to accumulate in red blood cells, lipid and muscle tissue, pituitary gland, liver and adrenal glands. Leaves the body in the urine and bile.

Names of vitamins to increase the strength of men

The names of vitamins for increasing male potency are presented in the modern pharmaceutical market in significant quantities and are very different. It is recommended to take medicines prescribed by a specialist.

Among the most effective treatments for better activity are vitamin complexes containing ginseng extract, which has an active regenerative effect on men's health. Ginseng has also been known since time immemorial as a wonderful means of increasing the body's vitality, improving resistance to adverse environmental factors and helping to combat stress. Ginseng also stimulates brain activity. In addition, when used, there is an increase in erection, increased sperm quality and increased libido.

Dosage and administration

Method of administration and dosage of preparations containing vitamin A should be taken orally during meals or after meals. The maximum permissible amount for adults, which is introduced into the body during the day, is 100 thousand IU.

There is a view that vitamin C, as a popular general tonic prescribed for many diseases for adults and children, is considered a drug that can be consumed in almost unlimited quantities. However, this popular belief is not true. Vitamin C is taken orally after meals at the maximum possible safe daily dose of 50 to 100 mg.

Vitamin D is taken orally along with some fluid. When calculating the dose of a vitamin preparation, it should be taken into account that a drop of liquid contains about 500 IU of vitamin.

Vitamin E-containing preparations are prescribed for oral use. The vitamin capsule should be swallowed whole with water.

For the treatment of disorders in the reproductive system of men associated with reduced sperm production, the method of administration and doses suggest taking the drug in an amount of 0, 1 to 0, 3 g during the day, for 30 days.

Contraindications to the use of vitamins to increase male potency

Contraindications to the use of vitamins to increase male potency may occur in some of the following cases.

First of all, it is necessary to carefully treat vitamin complexes, which include those ingredients for which there is an increased sensitivity and predisposition to allergies. The expediency of their use may be irrational in old age, as well as in the presence of a chronic form of certain diseases.

For example, vitamin E, which is considered essential and important for improving men's health and increasing strength and optimizing the function of the male gonads, should not be taken in case of myocardial infarction and myocardial infarction.

Many drugs that aim to enhance sexual function and improve potency have an effect related to improving the permeability of blood vessels and capillaries due to their dilation, as well as activating blood circulation in the male genital area. Based on this, their use may be unreasonable in case of cardiovascular diseases and high blood pressure.

Contraindications to the use of vitamins to increase male potency also occur if there is heart disease, kidney disease, stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer.

Side effects of vitamins to increase the strength of men

The side effects of vitamins to increase the strength of men are manifested in the form of increased irritability, general decrease in body tone, increased fatigue and drowsiness. There is the appearance of severe headaches, dizziness, photophobia. There may be stomach pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting.

As a result of the use of vitamins, acne and other skin lesions may also occur, allergic reactions of varying severity may occur. There is a certain risk of developing anaphylactic shock. There is increased excitability of the nervous system.

Side effects of vitamins to increase male potency often occur in the form of healthy sleep disorders. There can be both an irresistible need for sleep and insomnia. Reckless excessive use of vitamins for strength in some cases can cause the formation of kidney stones, cause gastritis and venous thrombosis.

Vitamins for strength in large quantities cause epigastric pain and symptoms of kidney failure. The possibility of bleeding in the membranes of the brain and retina of the eyes is not ruled out.


Overdose of vitamins for strength in men, as well as in other cases of use of vitamin preparations, is one of the most common side effects. Many men, with the appearance of problems related to sexual function, try to deal with them as soon as possible and are prone to abuse of appropriate vitamin complexes. The result of the abuse is often the exceeding of the allowed doses of use and, consequently, the appearance of any kind of negative phenomena in the body.

Symptoms of overdose are manifested in general weakness, drowsiness, headaches, photophobia of the eyes, nausea, vomiting. Stomach pain, joint pain, bones, brittle nails are possible. signs of renal and hepatic impairment may occur.

Exceeding the permitted daily dose of vitamins causes violations of the metabolic processes of proteins and carbohydrates, adversely affects the functioning of the nervous system and can cause the development of neuropathies.

When overdose occurs, the heart rate may also be disturbed, with arrhythmias and micronecrosis occurring. There is a deterioration of sleep, appetite and vitality of the body are reduced, irritability appears.

Interactions with other drugs

The interactions of vitamins to increase the strength of men with other drugs are manifested by the following positive factors.

Especially the B-complex vitamins show better absorption due to the combination with calcium. In turn, optimal conditions for homeostasis and calcium absorption are ensured with the participation of vitamin D.

Vitamin E helps to restore its activity by taking in combination with vitamin C.

Negative interactions of vitamins to increase the potency of men with other drugs occur as a result of the combined use, for example, of vitamins B1 with B12. Such a combination of drugs causes an increase in the strength of allergic reactions that may appear as a side effect associated with taking them.

If, together with preparations containing vitamin B2, vitamins B3 and C, iron, copper, zinc are taken, this adversely affects the absorption of the former.

Vitamin C, in combination with iron and copper, causes the oxidation of vitamin B1, minimizing its beneficial effect on the body.

As a result of sharing vitamin preparations with various other medicines, there may be a deterioration in the absorption of vitamins.

Thus sleeping pills and sedatives reduce the effectiveness of B vitamins. The use of antibiotics prevents vitamins B2 and C from fully showing their beneficial properties.

The presence of alcohol incontinence and nicotine addiction in a man requires more specific vitamins for the body than the absence of such bad habits.

Storage conditions

Storage conditions of vitamins to increase the strength of men, in order to maintain the potential of their beneficial effects on the body as much as possible, must comply with certain parameters and environmental factors.

The main enemy of most vitamins is the increased level of humidity in the room. Under the influence of moisture, the structure of vitamin preparations is subject to liquefaction, and as a result, the preparations, the more they are exposed to adverse conditions, eventually become useless.

Even if the vitamins are stored in suitable conditions, after the first opening of the package, moisture penetrates inside and under its action, negative effects for the preservation of vitamins begin to appear. This is true in any case, despite the fact that the package will be hermetically sealed again later.

Different vitamins have different periods of liquefaction and this process occurs, respectively, with varying degrees of intensity. Adverse storage conditions of vitamins to increase the strength of men cause a significant reduction in life expectancy and reduce the effectiveness of their therapeutic action. The best place to store vitamins seems to be a place where there is no access to light, with low air temperature and minimal humidity.

The best before the date

The shelf life of vitamins for male potency is the period of time during which such vitamin preparations, when used, can have the most effective corresponding effect on the body. That is, to bring with them the full range of ingredients contained in those that are useful for men's health and improve sexual function.

These positive properties in whole or in part of the vitamin preparation may be lost due to long-term storage in inappropriate conditions. With constant exposure to adverse environmental factors, vitamins to increase the strength of men tend to destroy their structure, and this in turn leads to the fact that life expectancy is significantly reduced.

If you are in optimal storage conditions, which requires compliance with certain lighting parameters, air temperature and humidity levels, vitamins can be stored for 2-3 years.

With storage conditions, it is also very important not to overdo it. If one or another vitamin complex is prescribed for storage, say, in cool conditions, it should not be refrigerated. This, instead of better maintenance, can lead to irreparable damage to the vitamin preparation.